juillet 18, 2024

Who created this masterpiece?

Who created this masterpiece?

The graphic designer who crafted this piece is exceptional. A good graphic designer masters typography. Without it, effective communication is challenging.

An illegible design is a failure. Here, not only is it readable, but it's also beautiful! A lovely image, elegant typography, and a subtle variation of blue.

I hope the client enjoyed it, and that the conversion rates reach new heights.

juillet 18, 2024


How to generate hundreds of leads in a few days through Instagram automation without needing a prior audience?

The goal is to create 5 to 10-second videos that provide value or solve a specific problem for your target audience. These videos should include a call to action, asking viewers to comment with a keyword to receive a free product, such as a guide or an e-book.

Automation is done with Manychat, which automatically sends the free product to those who have commented while collecting their contact information, such as their email.

This strategy is particularly powerful as it does not require any financial investment and takes advantage of the high traffic of reels on Instagram. Even without an initial audience, you can launch videos and quickly attract thousands of views and leads. Automation makes the process scalable, requiring no more effort to manage 1000 leads than one.

This free and accessible method is presented as one of the best ways to generate leads in an automated manner today.

juillet 18, 2024


I use two CMS platforms to create websites: WordPress and Framer.

  • WordPress is used for specific functionalities and development purposes.
  • Framer is used for showcase websites.

WordPress is more flexible but requires the management of ALL functions (design, maintenance, backup, updates, etc.).

Framer is more closed but offers a complete solution with beautiful designs and simplified maintenance.

In the long run, I have chosen the right path for me.

juillet 18, 2024

How can ChatGPT help me improve my Facebook ads?

How can ChatGPT help me improve my Facebook ads?

Very simple!

  • Open ChatGPT
  • Choose Explore GPT
  • Select "Meta Ads Analyser"

Follow the instructions by providing the ad URL for ChatGPT to search in the Facebook library and analyse it for you.


This is an excellent foundation for enhancing your customers' ads so that they perform better and generate more clicks.

The rest, of course, involves continual iteration.

juillet 18, 2024

Is AI really taking over our jobs?

Is AI really taking over our jobs?

A viral advert by a Belgian agency has sparked a debate.

It emphasises the unique skills of craftsmen and the tasks that AI simply cannot imitate!

With reports suggesting that AI is leading to job losses and jobs are at risk, this advert could not have come at a more important time.

And the jobs that AI could create?

Some hail it as genius, others find fault with its message.

What do you think about this hot topic?

juillet 18, 2024

Why Google Dislikes AI-Generated Content?

Why Google Dislikes AI-Generated Content?

Did you know AI-generated content can harm your website's SEO? Using tools like ChatGPT for meta titles or descriptions is convenient, but it puts you behind human-written sites.

If you're short on time, use ChatGPT or Gemini, then Quillbot to paraphrase like a human.

My advice: write your texts yourself. This ensures better SEO and a unique personal touch to your content.

juin 11, 2024

Need an influencer?

Need an influencer?

Why not create one yourself?
With RenderNet, you can do it!

Create AI images with consistent character, same pose, same hairstyle, same clothing, etc.

Very challenging to achieve with Mdjourney or Dall.e.

With RenderNet, you have control over poses and consistent composition across any image you create.

So, if you need a virtual influencer to promote any product, generate one on rendernet.ai.

juin 11, 2024

Writing Writing Writing

— Need to communicate about your services? You write a post.
— Need an answer to your question? You send a message.
— Need to find new clients? You send cold emails.
— Need to promote your business? You do copywriting.

Writing is the key to performing and succeeding in 2024.

(Someone wrote this post but I can't remember who it was, thanks to him)

juin 11, 2024


How to generate hundreds of leads in a few days through Instagram automation without needing a prior audience?

The goal is to create 5 to 10-second videos that provide value or solve a specific problem for your target audience. These videos should include a call to action, asking viewers to comment with a keyword to receive a free product, such as a guide or an e-book.

Automation is done with Manychat, which automatically sends the free product to those who have commented while collecting their contact information, such as their email.

This strategy is particularly powerful as it does not require any financial investment and takes advantage of the high traffic of reels on Instagram. Even without an initial audience, you can launch videos and quickly attract thousands of views and leads. Automation makes the process scalable, requiring no more effort to manage 1000 leads than one.

This free and accessible method is presented as one of the best ways to generate leads in an automated manner today.


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